Tour: Cultural Beach Mangroves and Mudflat Tour -Standard
Cultural Demonstration & Education Tour
First Nations Custodian will welcome visitors to their traditional homeland on Cooya beach where they continue to practice their cultural activities and maintain their cultural heritage.
After explaining the cultural importance of this country, guides will introduce guests to their traditional fishing activity of spear throwing and handling as it is still practiced here today.
Visitors will then follow their First Nations guide with spear in hand along Cooya beach observing cultural medicine and food plants. The guides will then take guests along with them as they continue their daily spear fishing and gathering for their families into the mangroves and onto the mudflats.
After about 1.5 hrs of cultural activities and coastal walking guests will return with the guides to see Kuku Yalanji artefacts and share rare stories from their traditional lands and continue daily cultural management and education activities.
Departs Daily: 9.30 am / 1.30 pm. Time of tours are dependant of tides on day. Bookings are essential.
Tour Duration: 2 Hours
Cost: $100 + GST Adult; $75 + GST Child* (4-12 years). Children (Infants) under 4 free of charge. *Children must be accompanied by supervisors 18 years+ .
Note: Minimum Numbers of 4 Adults required to operate the tour. Medium level fitness required.
Location: Beach side - 1 Palm Street Cooya Beach
Private Tours: can be arranged anytime during daytime working hours. Office Hours Monday-Friday 9.00am-4.00pm
Be sun-safe: wear a hat, sunscreen and cover up. Bring drinking water and don’t forget the insect repellent. Wear beach shoes and comfortable clothing for walking through water, mudflats and mangroves.

Tour: Coastal Beach Night Time Walk
Try a night-time fishing activity – night walking
Night-time fishing activities are still a common traditional activity and now is your opportunity to experience it with a local family. New lighting technology is sure to make your experience one to remember.
Departs On Request: 7.30 pm. Bookings are essential.
Cost: $200 + GST per person.
Tour Duration: 1 Hour
Note: Minimum Numbers of 4 Adults required to operate the tour. Medium level fitness required.
Location: Beach side - 1 Palm Street Cooya Beach
Private Tours: can be arranged. Office Hours Monday-Friday 9.00am-4.00pm
Bring drinking water and don’t forget the insect repellent. Wear beach shoes and comfortable clothing for walking through water, mudflats and mangroves.
Please also be advised that toilet facilities are about 1 kilometre away.

Cultural Beach Mangrove and Mudflat Tour -Private
Cultural Demonstration, Education & Participation Tour
Join our First Nations guides on this exclusively unique tour and immerse yourself in our rich culture and history on Kubirriwarra Country.
Upon arrival a Traditional Welcome followed by a Traditional Smoking Ceremony will be performed to protect you while you walk with us on our traditional lands.
First Nations guides will then introduce guests to their traditional fishing activity of spear throwing and handling as it is still practiced here today.
With spear in hand you will then follow along the beach mangrove and mudflats identifying cultural medicine and food plants and are included in their daily activity of spear fishing and gathering for their families.
After about 2 hrs of cultural activities and coastal walking guests will return with the guides to see Kuku Yalanji artefacts and share rare stories from their traditional land while they prepare their daily food for their families.
Location: Beach side - 1 Palm Street Cooya Beach
Tour Duration: 2.5 Hours
Cost 1-4 Pax: $800 + GST, 5+ Pax: $200 + GST Per Person. Children must be accompanied by supervisors 18 years+ .
Note: Medium level of fitness required for this tour.
Private Tours: can be arranged anytime during daytime working hours. Office Hours Monday-Friday 9.00am-4.00pm
Be sun-safe: wear a hat, sunscreen and cover up. Bring drinking water and don’t forget the insect repellent. Wear beach shoes and comfortable clothing for walking through water, mudflats and mangroves.
Times for Private Tours are dependant of tides but can be catered to better suit your schedule.
Private Tours Are Available On Request: Office Hours Monday-Friday 9.00am-4.00pm. Phone: (07) 4098 3437.

Planning for your tour:
- Please wear comfortable clothing.
- Guests are required to bring their own drinking water.
- This tour operators in all weather conditions. When raining we encourage guests wear wet weather gear like ponchos.
- Cameras are welcomed and we encourage our guests to share pictures of their experience on our various social media sites.
- Apply sunscreen and insect repellent prior to the tour.
- Public toilets are located at the Northern end of the beach at the boat ramp area – a 3 minute drive from where the tour departs. Recommend using these facilities prior to the tour.